- Electronics, Radio, TV and music (326)
- Photo, Watch, and jewelry (40)
- Coins, Bills, Cash (72)
- Documents, Books, Megazines (253)
- Orders, Badges, Other equipment (79)
- Furniture, Pictures, Art (85)
- Beaten and ethnography (192)
- Various (325)
- Others (7)
- Glass and porcelain (26)
- Auto (1)
- (5)
- (0)
- (7)
Code: 3045
1996 and 1997
1000levs.- 1997- price:: 20levs
2000levs.-1996 Price: 20levs.
5000levs.-1997 Price: 30levs
10000levs.-1996 Price: 40 levs.
10000levs. 1997 Price: 40levs
50000levs -1997 Price: 50levs.